Texas Lions District 2-E2 Member Directory

The District 2-E2 Directory is compiled once per year, published, and distributed to clubs at the 1st Cabinet Meeting in July. Each club receives four directories and a flash drive for the Club Officers.

The information in the district directory is pulled directly from the MyLCI database.   It is extremely important for all club Presidents or Secretaries to update members’ records and to load new club officers into MyLCI by May 15th of each year. The District Officers do not have permission or access to modify club personnel records.  It is up to the President or Secretary to make the appropriate changes, especially at the end of the LIONS years.  That way information in the district directory will be correct.

The directory will be updated periodically using corrections sent in. The Directory & Website Correction form below allows you to submit changes to the directory. The changes will be posted as an updated version with published dates below.

Due to privacy issues, the directory is password protected. To access the directory file, please contact your Club Secretary

Download the Membership Directory

Updated: 07/01/2024

Please email any directory updates to PDG Carolyn at lioncarolyng2e2@gmail.com.