Lions District 2-E2 Officer Training

Lions District 2-E2 Officer Training

To take advantage of videos in these E-Books, Click to Print, and all links are viewable. You can print documents if you choose. Navigational Videos represent the updated MyLCI website.

To those requesting the July 20, 2024 District 2-E2 Officer’s Training Power Points – click on the links below – the power point presentation will be sent to your “Download” icon on your computer. You can open that folder and save to your desktop or print.

2024-25 President/VP Training Power Point

2024-25 Secretary Training Power Point

2024-25 Treasurer Training Power Point

Lion Portal Written Instructions

Updating Your Lions Club Information

Has your meeting time, date, or place changed? Lion Carolyn Graham is pulling information from the Lion Portal to update the District 2-E2 Directory. Please check your Club Details and Update where needed by June 15, 2024.

Your Club Secretary should perform the following procedure:


Click on the “My Club” box towards the top of the landing page.


On the far right, you will see tabs with two selections. Click the “Club Actions” tab.


Below the Club Actions tab, click the “Edit Club Details” button, which is usually at the bottom of the list of buttons.


A popup window will appear. Scroll through the current information and make corrections/updates where needed; when completed, scroll to the bottom of the window.

Click Next.

Double-check your entries. If all are updated, you can return to your Home Page to access other information or exit the Lion Portal.

Submitting Your Lions Club Officer Information

Update your Club Officers by June 15, 2024.

Your Club Secretary should perform the following procedure:


Click on the “My Club” box towards the top of the landing page.


On the far right, you will see tabs with two selections. Click the “Member Actions” tab (it may already be open).


Below the Member Actions tab, click the “Manage Club Officers” button.


A popup window will appear. Select “Create New Assignment.”

Click Next.


A popup window will appear. At the prompt, “When Should This Assignment Begin?” select Upcoming Year.

Click Next.


A popup window will appear for you to select the Officer and Title type. Select “Officer” from the “Officer Type” dropdown.


Then, from the “Title Type” dropdown

  • If the individual is the President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary, select “Official.”
  • If the individual is not one of the above-listed titles, then select “Local.”


  • If you selected “Official” from the “Title Type” dropdown, you need to select their title (e.g., President) from the “Officer Title” dropdown.
  • If you selected “Local” from the “Title Type” dropdown, be sure to enter their title in the “Name of Local Title” field.

Click Next.


Select the member filling the officer position you are updated from the “Choose the Name of the Officer” search drop-down. You can search or scroll to find the member’s name from the list.

Once you’ve selected the member, click Next.


On the next screen, you will be asked, “Would you like to add an officer’s address?” Select Yes or No if you would like to provide the member’s home street address.

Click Next.

The rest is self-explanatory. There may be a 24-hour delay before your Officer list displays your new entries.

Please Note: This year’s officers have an end date and will not be listed on the Lion Portal after June 30, 2024. Even if officers do not change, you still need to enter the 2024-2025 Officers as New Assignments.

Adding or Dropping Members

Update your Member Roster by June 15, 2024, to avoid dues payments for any dropped members.

Your Club Secretary should perform the following procedure:


Click on the “My Club” box towards the top of the landing page.


On the far right, you will see tabs with two selections. Click the “Member Actions” tab (it may already be open).


Below the Member Actions tab, click the “Manage Club Members” button.


A popup window will appear. Select “Add Member” or “Drop Member” as needed.

Click Next.


Select “Search this List and enter Member Name.”

Click Next.


Now, enter the Add/Drop Date. If this is a Drop, , then click Save.

  • If this is an Add:
    • Please fill out the new member’s information.
  • If this is a Drop:
    • Please provide “Drop Reason Details
    • Select “Search this List and enter Member Name.”

When complete, click “Save.”

Click Next.


When you have completed adding and or dropping members, click the “Home” link.

Then, scroll down to the Club Members area at the very bottom and click. “View All.”

Please check to verify that the members you dropped are marked as dropped. Your total Active Member Count should reflect the drops as well.

While you are looking at the View All list, we recommend you select all of the members and copy their club member information. Then, paste that information into Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application. It will take some column adjusting, but then you will have a document that can be downloaded and saved to your contact list. This process does not pick up member addresses, just member name, email, phone and start date.

The rest is self-explanatory. There may be a 24-hour delay before your Member List displays your new entries.

Global Membership Approach (GMA)

You can print the GMA Presentation or E-Books for future reference.

Plan for Your Club’s Success – GMA Global Membership Approach


To Print Click Here

President and Vice President Training E-Book

Club President & Vice President Training copy

To Print Click Here

Secretary Training E-Book

Club Secretary E-Book copy 2

To Print Click Here

Treasurer Training E-Book

Club Treasurer E-Book copy

To Print Click Here

Zone Chair Training E-Book


To Print Click Here

Marketing/Communications Guide


To Print Click Here