Texas Lions Foundation


Texas Lions Foundation (TLF) is an organization committed to filling humanitarian needs throughout the world.  As a public, non-profit, tax-exempt corporation, its purpose is to promote human welfare by careful application of contributed funds. (TLC Donations & Awards Form)

TLF concentrates its efforts in two areas: humanitarian services and disaster relief. (TLF-Grants_Guidelines.) The Foundation strives to support projects that, while falling into one of these two categories, also have long-term and far reaching effects, and promote the objectives of the Texas Lions Foundation. Overall, the Foundation maintains a strong commitment to helping people achieve their own potential, and to implementing projects that make permanent and positive changes. Projects are favored that provide benefits to as many people as possible.

HUMANITARIAN SERVICES – Humanitarian Service grants can be issued in support of a broad range of projects designed to fill diverse needs. In general, projects designed to create or expand community programs or institutes are preferred. (Humanitarian Grant Application)

DISASTER RELIEF – Disaster Relief grants are made in response to natural disasters that cause significant mortality, injury, and property damage and loss. Priority is given to projects aimed at creating or reconstructing public facilities and services. (Emergency Grant Application)

 PDG Geronimo Polanco, Sanger Lions Club

Please click to see Member Listing in the Directory on page 38 for a phone #


Texas Lions Foundation Officers

Office Officer Address Contact Info
Chief Operations Officer PCC Bernie Gradel, 2-T2 5705 84th Street
Lubbock, TX 79424
H: 806-794-0095
C: 806-790-0579
Chairman PDG Mark Todd 2-A3 361-813-7723
Secretary PDG Keith Perrine San Angelo, TX 76903 365-656-3252
District 2-E2 Texas Lions Foundation Trustee PDG Geronimo Polanco 915-526-3937

TLF Donation Award Levels  


Texas Lions Foundation Aware $125.00
Texas Lions Fellow Aware $500.00
Texas Lions Foundation Cornerstone Award $1,000
($100 per year)